Amar Infotech Creates a Customizable Tour & Activity Extranet System with Search and Booking Platform


Ascent Tours is an online Travel agency in Sri Lanka which sells Tours and Activity to the customers on their B2C and B2B Portals.

This application wants lots of functionality like custom tours and activity management, which includes Supplier Panel, Manager Panel, B2C Panel and B2B Panel.

Manager Panel Includes Agency Management, Booking Management, Sales Management, Purchase Management, Deposit Account Management, Reports Management, Customer Management, User Management with Role and Permissions, Mark up Management, Discount Management, Taxes and Cancellation Management, Preference Management, Operational Data Management, Template Management (Mail & SMS), Airport and Regions data Management, CMS Pages Management, Blocks Management, and Deals Management etc.


  • Adding Product information in the supplier panel step by step and saving the product in draft and then sending it for approval to the manager for activation.

  • Creating B2B and Supplier Agency in the Manager Panel and also from B2C registration from individually.

  • Supplier and B2B Agency activation process with the automate mail features.

  • Sending User Wise Notification in each Panel (Manager, Supplier and B2B Separately)

  • Manage Product Availability Management from the supplier panel, with not operating or sold out and display availability in the B2C and B2C Panel.

  • Manage Markup and discount on the product price at B2C and B2B Panel.

  • Manage all the Booking data in the Booking Modules and Creating invoice and receive payment of each booking.

  • Manage supplier net price account in the purchase module and create invoice on the travel date, and send payment for the pending invoices.

  • User data management with specific roles and giving permission on the role.

  • Product Master data management and display active data to the supplier.

  • Manage all the Reports related to Agency, users, Booking, sales and Purchase with Print and Excel Export

  • Product Pdf and Print module.

  • B2C Website Manage cart feature by adding product in the cark and taking booking from the cart together.

  • Sign up with Google and Facebook for the customers.

Value Delivered

Overview Of Manager, Supplier & B2B2C

Our expert team of developers builds all these four panels for Travel Extranet Solution where Supplier can Register their agency from the B2C Panel and Manager will approve the agency and then supplier can be able to add his own products in the supplier panel. B2B Agency can Register from the B2C Website and Manager will approve the agency and set the markup on the agency and allow him to sell the product to the B2B Panel. Once the Supplier adds the product it will send the product for the review process and once the manager approves the product then it will be available to purchase on B2C as well as B2B Panel. B2C platform customers are able to search the tours and activity by location or by the names. Customers are able to check the product details and check the availability and Pricing and are able to make the bookings. Entire process is automatic and user friendly for both the Manager as well as supplier.

What Is Extranet System

An extranet is a private network that uses Internet technology and the public telecommunication system to securely share part of a business’s information or operations with suppliers, vendors, partners, customers, or other businesses. Here we have used the Tour Extranet System where suppliers share its product itinerary and we will manage the itinerary of the product at one platform and use that itinerary for taking bookings in B2C and B2B portals.

Why Availability Module

Availability Modules is used as a mandatory functionality in the extranet system and our developer enhance this functionality for managing the product seat and date availability include custom option for make product not operation and sold out on specific date and time And this enhancement of default functionality done successfully by our developer in Availability module.

High Database Performance

As applications have lots of product data and other data it needs an attribute set changer module. But attribute sets are the basic thing for a product and its relation. So for making this functionality we need strong and deep knowledge of database eav structure. We google for this but nothing found and after doing 2 to 3 days research in SQL database we make all relations related to it in graphical way and then we make extreme coding to satisfy all needs and finally we get results in the form of success.

Comprehensive User Interaction

Application required fast loading so we used the latest technology and developed this website in Angular 8 on the front side. Website needs each and every description and user manual so at the time of product creation we have given tooltips in each step for every field. In the backend we have used pages themes and also used SCSS.

Cross-platform flexibility

Application needs download and print options from the product detail page as well as it requires an export feature to export the reports in the excel format all this functionality made by our developer successfully. As a big product network and more products in application so it needs an easy and flexible review system so our developer enhances default review system and make changes instead of directly activating the product developer allow manager user to open the product and review the details and can preview the product download the product and can active the product from here.

How Do Customers Check Availability

Customers can check availability at any time by beginning the booking process. Don’t worry – customers won’t be committed to your booking until after you’ve entered your credit card details and confirm the purchase! For tours where we still need to wait for confirmation, the date will show available if the tour operator is operating on that date, but we can’t guarantee availability until you receive your confirmation Email.

Product UI



  • Ascent Tours runs perfectly with all his requirements.

  • They can easily add new suppliers or B2B agencies and suppliers can add new products. They confirm that due to a simple and attractive interface it’s very easy in adding products, and bookings too.

  • They got more popularity in their local country as well as in our entire world by his excellent service and review of products which are given by his customers.

  • And their site is awarded as Best Travel Agency.

Ascent Tours

Angoda, Sri Lanka

MPM Musthafa