Amar Infotech Helps Grimm-Gastrobedarf for Design Feature Rich Ecommerce Store

Background needed a perfect online solution to sell his products with best satisfaction to his customers.

This application want lot’s of functionality like custom horizontal checkout layout, manufacturer module, price calculation according manufacturers, exorbyte search, layered navigation with custom option, psmextv2 integration for schedule cron, attribute set changer, bargain module, pdf and video upload module, fax and print functionality, leasing module, send to friend Google plus integration, Ekomi rating etc..


  • Exorbyte search integration.

  • Ekomi rating integration.

  • Attribute set changer module.

  • Pdf and video upload module.

  • Fax and print functionality.

  • Leasing module.

  • Flexible user review integration.

  • Send to friend and Google plus integration.

  • Layered navigation with custom option.

  • Psmextv2 integration for different kind of cron and integrate it with exorbyte search.

  • Making entire checkout module with horizontal step by step process without reloading page.

  • Making three module attached with each other bargain module ,manufacturer module and price calculation according manufacturer.

Value Delivered

Overview Of Manufacturer, Bargain & Price

Our expert developer builds three module for manufacturer, bargain and price calculation for giving the perfect solution to the client. He make frontend interface to allow site customer to bargain on specific product and on the basis of manufacturer of the product admin can calculate the price from backend and if customer suggested price is approved by admin customer can purchase those product with specific discount and customer and admin got mail for this entire process like requested price of customer, after calculating price for those product manufacturer if it is ok to admin send mail to customer and sales those product in user requested price. Entire process is automatic and user friendly for both admin as well as customers

What Is Exorbyte

Exorbyte search is third party integration of our application and we have to provide them daily products, categories, attributes and product detail through csv for perfect search and navigation. So we attach this module with psmextv2 module. This module easily make cron schedule and we can adjust our cron data and schedule with it. It generate daily based updated csv for all detail which needed by exorbyte search and navigation and search works like a charm.

Why Layered Navigation

Layered navigation is default functionality and our developer enhance this functionality for include custom option in layered navigation for making this enable developer need strong knowledge of zend and mvc. And this enhancement of default functionality done successfully by our developer in custom module.

Modules For Manufacturer, Bargain & Price

As application has lots of product it needs attribute set changer module. But attribute set is basic thing for product and its relation. So for making this functionality we need strong and depth knowledge of database eav structure. We google for this but nothing found and after making 2 to 3 days research in magento database we make all relation related to it in graphical way and then we make extreme coding to satisfied all need and finally we got result in form of success.

Comprehensive User Interaction

Application needs each and every description and user manual so some product needs pdf and some product needs video instruction to show how to use and where to use specific kitchen appliances to satisfied this requirement we build a module by which admin can assign pdf and video to any product through admin interface and it display in frontend on product detail page with media images.

Cross-platform flexibility

Application needs fax and print options from product detail page as well as it needs refer a friend through google plus all this functionality made by our developer successfully. As big network and more products in application so it needs easy and flexible review system so our developer enhance default review system and make changes instead of checkbox it makes one image of which slide on star review if user slide image upto 3.5 star automatically it gets 3.5 review of is very easy and fast review process as compare to magento default.

Secure and Stable Processes

As application have some big expensive products and he also give products on lease so leasing module is mendatory for this application. So we develop a module which satisfied all interface like which product is on lease to which customer and what is leasing rate and its payment and due date as well as find if due and exyra charges on due and damage calculation. And at last after completing entire store ekomi rating integration is done by developer team.

Product UI



  • running perfectly with all his requirements.

  • He can easily change attribute set as well as he can increase sells by bargain facility and he got easy interface for price calculation per manufacturer and he got advantage of leasing module and keep upto date record in his all over world sales and leasing charges.

  • He got more popularity in his local country as well as in our entire world by his excellent service and review of products which is given by his customers.

  • And his site is awarded as Germany best ecommerce site.

Grimm Gastrobedarf

Berlin, Germany


Head of Business Development

“Amar Infotech previously solved problems, the prestigious German agencies could not solve. We still need a little work on speed and workflow but otherwise, I’m very satisfied. Keep it up!”