
Amar Infotech is a professional Travelport GDS API integration service provider with expertise in integrating the Galileo GDS system into various applications and systems. Our team of skilled developers is proficient in using Travelport’s APIs to enable flight booking, schedule search, and other functionalities within your platform. We can help you seamlessly integrate Travelport’s GDS system, which offers extensive global coverage and rich content, into your business.

Whether you are a travel agency looking to offer your customers a wider range of travel options or a software company looking to add travel functionality to your platform, we have the skills and knowledge to assist you. Contact us today to learn more about our Travelport GDS API integration services and how we can help you succeed.

Amar Infotech’s Travelport GDS API integration services:

  • Consulting:
  • Amar Infotech offers consulting services to help companies understand the capabilities and potential uses of the GDS API, and to determine the best way to integrate it into their systems. This can include identifying the specific data and functionality that is needed, and developing a plan for implementing the API.

  • Development:
  • Amar Infotech’s team of developers has experience working with the GDS API and can help companies build custom integrations. This can include building custom API calls, handling data mapping and transformation, and developing custom user interfaces.

  • Support:
  • Amar Infotech provides ongoing support to help companies troubleshoot issues and ensure that their GDS API integration is working smoothly. This can include providing technical support, helping with updates and maintenance, and providing guidance on best practices.

  • Other services:
  • In addition to GDS API integration services, Amar Infotech also offers a range of other travel technology solutions, such as website design and development, mobile app development, and digital marketing services. These services can help companies improve their online presence and reach a wider audience.

Where Travelport GDS APIs Can Be Used?

  • Flights:
  • The GDS API can be used to search for and book flights on various airlines, including both traditional carriers and low-cost carriers. It can also be used to access information about flight schedules, availability, and prices.

  • Hotels:
  • The GDS API can be used to search for and book hotel rooms at properties around the world. It can also be used to access information about room availability, prices, and amenities.

  • Rental cars:
  • The GDS API can be used to search for and book rental cars at locations around the world. It can also be used to access information about car availability, prices, and rental terms.

  • Bus Booking:
  • The GDS API can be used to book both long-distance and local bus travel, and can be integrated into custom travel booking and management applications and systems.

  • Activities and tours:
  • The GDS API can be used to access information about and book a variety of activities and tours, such as sightseeing tours, adventure sports, and cultural experiences.

  • Other travel products and services:
  • The GDS API can also be used to access and book a range of other travel products and services, such as cruises, vacation packages, and travel insurance.

Travelport GDS API Integration and Development @ Amar Infotech

Amar Infotech is a company that provides consulting, development, and integration services for the Travelport Global Distribution System (GDS) API to both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) travel management agencies.

We have a team of experienced developers who have a deep understanding of the GDS API and can help companies implement it effectively into their systems.

In addition to providing GDS API integration services, Amar Infotech is a leading travel technology company that offers a range of other services, including website design and development, mobile app development, and digital marketing services.

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Airlines Ticketing

Number of Airlines: 400 carriers
Specialization: Worldwide, Apollo, Galileo and Worldspan
Description Language: English
Supported Currencies: According to the contract
API Home Page: https://developer.travelport.com/
API Access: Paid

Hotels Bookings

Number of Units: Over 2,35,000 hotels
Specialization: 180 countries
Description Language: English
Supported Currencies: EUR, USD, GBP
API Home Page: https://developer.travelport.com/
API Access: Paid

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