On this auspicious occasion of Ganesh Chaturthi Amar Infotech are pleased to announce the launch of their new website. Having been in the pipeline for the past few months, the arrival of the new site completely overhauls Amar Infotech blog and content offerings, as well as giving a smoother, more intuitive user experience. Visit website – www.amarinfotech.com! Our goal with this new designed website is to create a user-friendly browsing experience for our trusted and valued customers and business partners. We hope you enjoy our new uncluttered design that is easy to navigate, and more user-friendly.
We kicked off the project with a bunch of big ideas, all centered around creating inspiring experiences for our different customer groups. The solution was to group our content into 14 categories: Company | UI/UX Consulting | Engineering Services | Travel Technology Solutions | Aviation & Transportation | Digital Marketing | Internet of Things | Business Verticals | Case Studies | Portfolio | Contact Us | Blog | Careers | Privacy Policy.
Ease of use and intuitive site navigation were a must. It was important that new and repeat visitors could get where they needed to go, find inspiration, and immediately gain a better understanding of the Amar Infotech brand and everything that we have to offer.
We would also like to thank our amazing Team at Amar InfoTech who give their valuable time and hard work to make this site what it is.
We value the feedback of our customers, business partners and visitors, so if you have any suggestions to improve any areas of our website, please drop us an email or fill up the details from here to give us your feedback.
Thank You!!
Amar InfoTech Team