
The Sabre Travel Network is a comprehensive solution for the travel industry, offering a range of services for travel agencies, airlines, hotels, car rental companies, and other travel industry professionals. With the Sabre Reservation System, these businesses can easily search for and book travel arrangements, as well as access rates and availability. The Sabre system also offers a tutorial and an app to help users get started and make the most of its features.

Sabre Global Distribution System (GDS) is a powerful tool for airlines, car rental companies, and hoteliers to reach a wider audience of leisure and corporate travelers. Sabre GDS provides an efficient and cost-effective distribution channel for these businesses to promote their products and services.

If you are looking to integrate with Sabre GDS, Amar Infotech offers a range of services including Sabre GDS software, Sabre GDS system, Sabre XML API integration, and Sabre GDS travel software development. These services can help travel agents and tour operators connect with Sabre GDS and make the most of its features. Whether you are a small travel agency or a large tour operator, Amar Infotech can help you get set up with Sabre GDS and increase your market reach.

Sabre GDS API Integration and Development @ Amar Infotech

Amar Infotech is a renowned travel technology company with extensive experience in providing Sabre consulting, development, and integration services to B2B and B2C travel management agencies. As a leading provider of Sabre solutions, Amar Infotech has the knowledge and expertise to help travel agencies and other businesses make the most of the Sabre system and improve their operations.

Our team of developers has extensive experience in integrating API credentials into websites, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience for businesses once the website is delivered. With our expertise, you can trust that your website will be fully functional and able to take advantage of all the features and capabilities of the API. This will help ensure continuity in your business operations, allowing you to focus on other important tasks and growth strategies.

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Airlines Ticketing

Number of Airlines: 400 Airlines
Specialization: Asia Pacific, Latin America, North America, and Europe
Description Language: English
Supported Currencies: According to the contract
API Home Page: https://developer.sabre.com/
API Access: Paid

Hotels Bookings

Number of Units: Over 1,16,000+ hotels
Specialization: 180 countries
Description Language: English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, German and Italian
Supported Currencies: EUR, USD, GBP
API Home Page: https://developer.sabre.com/
API Access: Paid

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